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Job shadowing at Valteri, Finland, Mar 20th – 24th, 2017

In March it was time for All Aboard job shadowers to come to visit Valteri in Finland. The first three days they spent in Jyväskylä, Central Finland, and the rest of the week in Helsinki area.

Job shadowers visited local schools and observed their practices in supporting inclusive education with different age groups. Focus was on the structure of co-teaching and the practical everyday solutions for inclusive education in local schools. This week offered also a view for research cooperation with its connection to inclusive education. During two distance meetings the job shadowers continued planning the structure and stories of the Box of Best Practices. The final structure for the Box of Best Practices was finalised.

Even though the working days were long the job shadowers still had a chance to visit the old city of Porvoo. A few Moomin mugs and bags flew with job shadowers back home.